I’m going to take you on a visit of different Bloggers that I enjoy during this week while I’m on ‘Nana Duty’, enjoying our 12-year-old grandson.
I’ve never met Gayle, but when I grow up, I want to have her life and experiences – everywhere she goes and everything she makes is so wonderfully FUN.

She did this post on “What I Did With My Summer Vacation” – and it seems totally AMAZING! Where? TENNESSEE, of course! I’ll need to check out this opportunity at t Shakerag Workshops in Sewanee, Tennessee.
Read it all HERE, but I’ll treat you to some of the most intriguing photos in this short Sharing Bog Post.
Pages for books, done with thumbprints.

She and her friends took in the Factory at Alabama Chanin, just as I did. Check out this great top!

Gayle didn’t get much sewing done this summer, but this Katherine Tilton jacket is quite amazing, in my opinion. Buttrick 6459 created of 3 fabrics in her stash. You MUST collect a stash, right??!!!!

Sew…Kudos to Gayle Ortiz. WHEN you hop over to her great Blog HERE, be sure to click on her category buttons at the right and treat yourself to some Ooohhing- and AHHHing. I’ll bet you’ll be pinning many of her unique garments.
