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Blogger Visit Week – Glenda Sparling

Next up for this week’s blog posts is Glenda Sparling – Sure-Fit Designs.  I first discovered Glenda with her book, Fabrique way back during my retail storefront days, and it is in my library even today.  She truly introduced me to texturizing and how to create texture and to use it in creative sewing.

Glenda has created a world-wide sewing business that I so admire!  She teaches both amazing fitting, pattern-making and more, making it all so easy to understand through her total Fitting System. Of everyone offering a ‘system’ of fit, I put Glenda right up there with Pati Palmer as the two at the very top!   Take a peek with me at her website page:  SFD How-to Videos, and listen to Glenda describe it in her own words

Sure-Fit Designs

“SFD How-To Videos

Sure-Fit Designs has produced free, educational videos to help you increase your fitting knowledge.  They are anywhere from about 2 to 5 minutes long and deal with a wide range of fitting, designing and sewing topics (with the primary emphasis on fitting).  They are all posted on Sure-Fit Designs and in our newest website the Sure-Fit Designs Learning Center – just go to the Video Library.

These videos not only give you a great overview and explanation of what the Sure-Fit Designs fitting system is and how it works, but they are also beneficial in simply teaching you how to understand the relationship of the pattern to your body curves and shape.”

Glenda’s You-Tube Channel

Just watch this quick video of Glenda’s, and I’m sure you’ll agree that this lady has it ‘all together’!  She’s smart, a great teacher, AND fit.  Speaking of Fit, she even holds Fit & Sew Retreats.

To watch her You-Tube videos, just search for ‘Glenda Sparling or Sure-Fit Designs’ at You-Tube.

Whole-Heartedly Recommend

If you want a total system, including rulers/tools, etc seriously consider Glenda’s Sure-Fit Designs. Oh – and by the way, this is NOT a paid advertisement, though I know it might sound like it.  I just admire and respect Glenda and her work and wanted you to know about her and her offerings!



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