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Creative Sweatshirt Jacket Question & Answer

Ann from Kansas writes: Hi Londa, I have your Ultimate Jacket Collection CD. I want to make some for my mother who is 80 yrs. old, about 5’4” and slender. She has a dowager’s hump which causes her jackets to rise up in the back. Which jackets would you recommend as being the most flattering fit for her? I do plan on curving the back hem but feel there might be some other options also. Also want to let you know that I adore all your websites and am making plans to attend some of your classes later this year. You are a busy and talented lady and I really appreciate your efforts in all you do to put out your information. I know that’s a lot of work. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks! Ann in KS

I answer: Thanks for the kind words. What a good observation and question regarding your Mom. Realizing that the Dowager’s Hump requires more LENGTH in the back, and some fitting there – I would immediately add a yoke across the back. Make it even all fabric if you don’t have enough sweatshirting ‘fabric’ to cover with another. If you do make it all ‘fabric’ – be sure to duplicate the thickness of the sweatshirting – by interfacing/lining. The hump is really a bump – just like a breast – for which the lines of the yoke are actually ‘darts’ from each armscye. Does that make sense? I imagine you have fitted a jacket on her – just super-impose and adapt that for the back of your jacket of sweatshirting. Remember my mantra, the sweatshirt is NOT a sweatshirt, but rather fabric and matching ribbing. You could also adapt with a fabric lower portion to make the back ‘straight’ at the hem. OR – just be sure to use a sweatshirt plenty big to give you plenty of fabric. The first solution is definitely the best, though.

Thanks Londa

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