Nick Vereos on You-Tube
I recently stumbled on this great series on You-Tube, Fashion School with Nick Verreos, a past Project Runway winner. I feel what he is offering on You-Tube is all done quite well, and is in essence, a great class on fashion draping. In my mind, it is better than Craftsy class on the same topic that I found so ‘dry’, I never finished watching it. The only thing is, the book he recommends at the end: Passion for Fashion, upon reading reviews, isn’t as informational as it is biographical.
You-Tube Channel Organization
I even find his categories (Playlists) and presentation of the body of material he has created for You-Tube to be extraordinary.
Below are images showing the categories, and the number on the black portion is how many videos are currently in that category or Playlist. These themselves here on my post are NOT links. Rather – go to Nick’s channel HERE.

We are off on a vacation for the week, but as soon as I return home and get back to my sewing room, I plan to start at the beginning of his playlists and work my through each and every one of these valuable videos! SEW much to remind me of what I learned in my college courses, and NEW to learn as well.
I also love his style and look! Join me in learning from this talented gentleman. It’s also even a treat to see that – in fashion – HE even dresses the part. YEAH!
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