For the Wednesday Wardrobe Hints, I’ll often be directing you to the wisdom of Nancy Nix-Rice. She and I are definitely ‘on the same page’ when it comes to colors and wardrobing in general.
LONG ago – early 1980’s, I searched and searched for what I felt was REAL color analysis training. What I found was the ‘Color Key System’ and I used it for years in my color analysis service. Along with that training, I received SO MUCH MORE! Nancy has fully embodied all I learned – and MORE in her great book: Looking Good …Every Day. Style Solutions for Real Women.

One of THE MOST VALUABLE lessons I learned in that training – was when my teacher said in response to this photo:
“You could cut her head off and throw it away!”.

In THIS BLOG POST of Nancy’s, she says the same thing basically – in her understandable way. I quote:
“When you wear a large amount of a color that’s significantly lighter or darker than your own color value, it looks as if your head is floating separate from your body. You want a look that is one unified whole – not a look with a separate head.
The woman below is beautiful, and both garments are striking. But can you see that “floating head” effect when she wears the blush dress? The dark, sequined dress balances to the stronger color value of her hair and eyes – making it the more flattering choice.”

Ivanka Trump did this Value Match most beautifully for the Inaugural Ball. Feast your eyes on this ‘vision’.

And even the tiniest hint of the darker value color of red in the belt on Melania’s breathtaking gown did the same. It ‘connected’ her darker hair value to the rest of her, as did the light (diamond, I’m sure) earrings and even her white, lovely teeth.
Applying the same principle – even the nude leg on the gorgeous light blue ensemble helps ‘connect’ Melania to the ensemble. Of the images/outfits below, I personally like the 2nd nude gown the least, based upon the principle being taught. I’ll make a bet that my friend, Nancy, agrees. Opinions will vary widely here – we know that, and Melania is a beautiful woman and will be treating us with GORGEOUS clothing, but the lesson Nancy teaches HERE is well worth your study. I highly recommend it.
