I’m always on the lookout for what fashion-right Duchess Kate is wearing, and was interested to see on the front of USA Today yesterday in coverage of Prince George’s christening, that Kate’s ensemble featured what I call the ‘Big Girl’s ruffle…ala a FLOUNCE!
I tried copying and pasting the image from online to here, without luck, so I’ll add a scan of the paper here later today if possible, since I’m on the road to Houston Quilt Festival and Market… but meanwhile I found this short ‘movie clip’ that shows even more of her top…
To me it appears to be an ivory wool crepe (my educated guess) jacket and skirt. In USA Today article written by Maria Puente (who obviously does not know the difference between a ruffle and a flounce), it says of the outfit…
“Kate was color coordinated with her son in his silk-and-lace christening gown (more on that later): She wore a cream-colored ruffled bespoke dress by Alexander McQueen and a matching fascinator-type hat by Jane Taylor.”
Not knowing the highlighted adjective, ‘bespoke’, I looked it up and found this definition – for your enlightenment:
. Custom-made. Said especially of clothes. 2. Making or selling custom-made clothes: a bespoke tailor.
Upon further peeks at the top – I think that the featured embellishment is as follows:
1. approximately 4-5″ in width, and double layer – with a seam at the very outermost edge.
2. As you can see in the video link…it appears to be inserted into a center front seam where it ends at the waist
3. It is tacked at the high jewel neckline at the uppermost edge
4. At the waist is another flounce – or ‘Peplum’ of the fabric as well. The only view I’ve seen of that detail is in the video above.
Flounces are SO POPULAR right now! And SEW easy! Measure where you want to insert a flounce, subtract and inch, and divide that by 6. That is the inner radius of the ‘donut’ which is really a flounce. Draw an arc (assuming you have folded the pattern paper into fourths). Add back a seam allowance for attaching. Measure and cut out from that arc the depth desired for the flounce – in this case I’d start with 5″ wide – which would accommodate the outer seam as well. To create the double flounce, two of these ‘donuts’ or ‘tires’ need to be cut. Slash through the circle so that it can go ‘straight’. Seam right sides together in a scant 1/4″ seam. Notch the seam – press open, press wrong sides together. Stitch around inner circumference on seam line allowed for. Clip into seam allowance repeatedly to allow the ’round’ to go straight’ – then insert into the center front seam. WALA – Simple!
For more details – and how EZ Flounces are out of knits – see my ‘Flirty Flounces’ pattern in my Artistic T’ line…

Londa’s Flirty Flounces Talking Pattern™ cover
The photo is a link to the PDF version of my pattern – available for just $12 and you can have it NOW! The pattern includes wonderful written directions and photos for each and every top you see! All you need in addition is a basic knit top pattern – readily available in any fabric store – or even Walmart! I direct you through every step – and at the associated online additional directions (url included in the pattern), you’ll see photos of EVERY step AND AND AND HEAR me talk you through each step!
Gee – if I thought I’d wear such a great top, I’d run right out to pick up a great color of wool crepe, and whip up a copy right now! Alas, my lifestyle just doesn’t call for such dressy garments – but it sure is fun to watch Kate dress!
Prince George’s gown (aren’t we glad our little boys don’t have to wear a dress?) is a handmade replica of the christening gown first made for Princess Victoria and worn by every royal baby up to 2008. The queen commissioned Angela Kelly to create a copy in 2008 because the original was too fragile for further use. It is of silk and Honiton lace and lined with white satin (undoubtedly silk as well). You can see how very long it is in the official family photograph recently released. (again – I can’t seem to copy an image from online).
Honiton Lace? I didn’t know what that is – but upon a ‘google’, find it is a lace made in Honiton, England.
More info –
What is Honiton Lace ? Honiton lace is one of the many varieties of hand-made bobbin lace produced commercially over the past few centuries, a lace that has become world famous for it’s intricate, delicate and very beautiful design. Honiton lace has been made in the East Devon of England area since the late 16th century and during that time has been purchased and worn by the wealthy of the world.
Why is it called Honiton Lace ? Honiton Lace takes it’s name from the East Devon town of Honiton where the majority of the lace was made in the past. It is now a generic name for the techniques and designs involved in making this type of lace and does not necessarily have to be made in the town of Honiton, in fact there are people making Honiton Lace throughout the world as a hobby today.