Free Motion Stitching around motifs in fabric is FUN! Especially when using Monofilament Thread. Check out the photos below to see what neat ‘trapunto’ look this achieves.
Free Motion Technique
Drop feed dogs
Monofilament Thread in the needle (I use a 75 stretch needle). Read about the 3 monofilament threads I use and recommend at my last Blog Post HERE.
Regular thread in the bottom.
Install free motion darning foot.
Stitch at a fast speed, but move with slow, consistent motion, holding area taut with your hands.
Test. If the bobbin thread shows, lower the upper tension until it doesn’t show.
The beauty of this technique is that with the monofilament thread, the stitching doesn’t really show as much, so you can stitch til your heart is content – gaining confidence and creating a great look all at the same time.
This stitching so completely ‘joins’ fabrics that they act as one, don’t ‘bubble’, etc.
Check out these pictures of some of my work.

See the stitching around the poly wogs to accentuate them. Also note the black couched yarn accentuating some of the sections.

I couched circles to carry through the design theme of the dots in the fabric used on this jacket.
On these next photos, you can also see what I call “FABRIC FUR” – watch for details on that in my next Blog Post

Couched yarn, monofilament free motion stitching around the circle motifs, and Fabric Fur – the next Blog Post.

Free Motion Quilting on a Creative Sweatshirt Jacket. Note how the quilting repeats the line/motif in the cotton fabrics.

Again – see how the quilting repeats the lines in the fabric. Fabric Fur is the lowest line of embellishment, and 2 row of purple couched yarn are the top 2 rows of embellishment.