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Flounced Long Dress I Wanna Make!

Found tacked to my Bulletin Board as I was packing my sewing area to move:  this Calvin Klein flounced knit dress is now ON MY LIST TO MAKE!!!  It would be such a fun day’s sewing.  I’m lucky enough to have a hubby who loves to go dancing (ballroom REAL) dancing – and that means even as we travel on business – AND with what I teach in my Flirty Flounces Talking Pattern™, this would be SEW EZ!!!

  Flounce dress I WANNA Make!!!

1.  Lengthen a basic T pattern like my Londa’s Terrific T Knit Top to about 5″ above the floor, and scoop the neck.  I’d cut it higher (about 3/4″) under the arms since this dress is sleeveless – ya wouldn’t want under arm bra ‘peek-a-boo’! From 60″ fabric, this would just take 1 length for most sizes.

2.  BIG DECISION TIME:  Do I want the flounces just in the front (as in my Flirty Flounces Top, with one Flounce at the lower edge?  OR do I want the flounces to go all around – the back included????  Hummm gonna have to ponder that one.  There are, as I count them – including the ‘partial’ ones that come in from the right side where her arm is extended: 9 flounces…..  Honestly, I think I’d do them all around – with strategically careful placing, so as to not have a flounce end at my ‘largest’ part in the back.  That look, out of a great, drapey fabric like Foxy Lady (poly/Lycra) – or Slinky Knit…. would really swing nicely while dancing…

3.  I would go ahead and finish off the lowered neckline and sleeves using my technique for encasing Lastin Clear Elastic in the edges for that nice, snappy, hug-the-body finish.  BUT, on one side, I’d just stitch a few inches down under the arm, leaving the rest of the side seam OPEN.  BUT, to design the exact placement of the flounces, I’d baste that side seam shut and with my Chakoner in hand, really strategically design where each flounce lower cut edge would be, and the angle of it… for Front and BACK.  Would need some help with this for the back – unless you have, like I do – a Duct Tape Double dress form!!!  This is gonna be so much fun to do!!!

The strategy I used for the multi-flounced top shown below should work perfectly – but taking therm around the back.  Hmmmm I wonder if there is fabric in my (packed) stash to do this?  I might just have to go check out the big sale at the local Hancock’s going out of business…




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