Sometimes you happen upon other Creative Sewists who just create in very inspiring ways. Though I’ve never met her personally, when I receive an email that she has posted a new Blog, I GO THERE IMMEDIATELY! I know for sure that I’m in for some inspiring work. Gayle Ortiz is a fan of 2 of my favorite people: Marcy Tilton and Diane Ericson. During my shop years, I was so very lucky to have them both come to present at my store, and I owe them both SO much regarding the direction of my own sewing pleasure.

Gale Ortiz has attended several of Diane Ericson’s Design Outside the Lines Retreats in the southwest – something for SURE on my own Bucket List!
Here are some photos from her recent work with T-shirts.

Even though she used Vogue 9130, I can see what was done, and where fullness was added from the line drawings at Vogue – so I’ll be just using that ‘info’ and applying what I see pattern-wise to my own Terrific T Knit Top Pattern. Cutting a pattern on a line you’ve drawn and adding seam allowances, slashing into a portion and adding flare at the hemline – not too hard! Watch for my process in upcoming blogs.
Here is a collection of my favorites from Gayle’s creative sewing. Comment to let me know what you think!

Next week I PROMISE MYSELF that each morning I will SEW!!! For MYSELF!!!! The afternoons will find me teaching several girls in Spring Break Camp, and I think it will be inspirational to show them what I accomplish every day.