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Houston Quilt Festival…Londa’s Classes

Houston Quilt Festival Classes with Londa 2011

The Class Catalog has been mailed to Quilt Angels (helpers) from last year. Others have been mailed today – June 27 via regular bulk mail. Links have just been added to this post for my classes. They just became available today, JULY 6, for online registration. For all info – go to to website. If you want to get a spot in my hands-on workshop(s), I highly recommend that you go ahead and contact Quilts, Inc. now, or be ready to register via the website on July 6!

Here is a link to register to attend classes. Click HERE

I am SEW honored and excited to be part of the faculty at the 2011 Houston Quilt Festival! I had just a few lecture/demo classes in 2010, which must have gotten good enough reviews for me to be accepted into this group of teachers for the ‘top dog’ show of them all…the Houston Quilt Festival! I’m sew excited that I just can hardly express the honor this is for me. I am SEW blessed………….

I’ve constructed this page (and added to my Blog as well) to give complete and more explanation of each class – links to the classes at the Quilts, INC. website, and page numbers on the catalog just received by many sewers all over the WORLD!

Lecture/Demo Classes #307 page 40 Creative Sweatshirt Jackets – Londa’s Way $35 Wednesday, November 2 8 – 11 am Catalog Description: “Relax and learn not only how to transform a sweatshirt into a great jacket that fits using either of two techniques, but design principles that will help you look your best every day. Viewing photos and numerous jackets will get your creative juices flowing with ideas and clear techniques for wearable art garments.”

Londa’s Additional Description: This will be a GREAT class with THREE HOURS to slowly and deliberately not only SHOW you many photographs of jackets, but ALSO to teach you both of my fitting techniques. Armed with my techniques, you’ll be able to ‘fix’ any ‘sweatshirt jacket’ you may have already created, but which you might not be happy fit-wise. This will be a 2 hour expanded version of the class called “Creative Sweatshirt Jackets that Fit n Flatter” as I teach at other expos around the country. IN ADDITION, because I know that understanding proportion, balance, rhythm, color and focal points are all KEY to creating a well-designed wearable art garment, this class will also include what I offer at many other expos around the country called “Frumpy to Wow..Design Principles for Creative Sewing”. These principles will not only improve ALL your sewing, but also help you as you dress Every DAY!

Catalog Description: “Be awestruck at Rohlfing’s inspiring one-woman show of spectacularly fashionable jackets that started life as…sweatshirts! Endless creative embellishments along with tried-and-true fitting and construction techniques will inspire you to recycle and rpurpose as you make great garments from your stash of fabrics desperate for new life!”

Londa’s Additional Description: This is a the Trunk Show of ALL of my current wardrobe of Creative Sweatshirt Jackets. I weave as much ‘how-to’s as I possibly can into this fast-moving one woman Trunk Show, but this in no way replaces the above class. Instead, you’ll see each and every one of my jackets ON my body so that you can really appreciate the fit and the design. BULLETIN: My designs are not just for sweatshirts!!!! My designs and embellishment techniques can be used on ANY BASE for a jacket that you so desire! I allow Photos in this class, but NO video taping.

Hands-On Classes

#105 page 29 Create a Stylish Sweatshirt Jacket — That Fits! $122 Monday, October 31 8 am – 5 pm Catalog Description: “Using Rohlfing’s “Genesis Too™ Talking Pattern (sent to you before class to preview and study), re-cut a top quality sweatshirt to raise the dropped sleeve to a natural shoulder for a great fit; design embellishment with your fabric grouping using design principles taught: transform the sweatshirt lower band into a classic cardigan neckline; and trim with bias cut silky ‘fabric fur” and yarn combinations.”

Londa’s Additional Description: This is a full day class, but they allow for a 2 hour lunch break – (however I WILL be available during that entire time span if you want to continue to work!). I can NOT promise that you will finish your jacket…because everyone ‘does their homework’ (or NOT!) and understands differently, AND, everyone works at different rates. However, What I DO PROMISE is that you WILL understand the fitting and embellishment/creation process VERY WELL so that you can go home and finish up your jacket with confidence. The homework PRIOR to class is KEY to achieving great progress during the hands=on class. Your sweatshirt and my Genesis Too™ Talking Pattern™ will be sent to you before you arrive. YOUR assignment is to sit in front of your computer and watch/listen to me explain each and every step of the creation of this jacket as you view photos of every step! THAT is what a Talking Pattern™ is! (My invention!). You MUST do this or I cannot be responsible for making up all the difference in your understanding during the class…as that would NOT be fair to those who HAVE made the time to watch and learn from this wonderful opportunity. (If you still have dial-up internet service, you’ll have to go to a library or somewhere with faster service, as it does NOT work on dial-up! – something over which I have 0 control.) ALSO- if you are a generously sized woman, I really want to give you some additional guidance on what to bring, think about BEFORE the class. Please give me that opportunity. We can creatively solve your challenges, but with the time constraints, we need to work on that BEFORE the class. The class limit is 25 students, BUT I will have Carol Coleman with me – who is very experienced in my techniques and fit, who will be the SECOND teacher available to you in class!

Regarding Supplies: The $49 Kit includes: Sweatshirt (Size 2XL to 3 XL-for more generously sized ladies) in a color of your choice, my Genesis Too™ Talking Pattern™, the needed Straight Fusible Stay Tape, and 5 spools of matching Metrosene polyester thread. $49 is a real BARGAIN for these products – which would normally retail at $63.95 ($66.95 for 3XL sweatshirt needs)! I need to have as much lead time as possible (minimum of 4 weeks!) in order to get the sweatshirts ordered and to each of you, and also the pattern so that you can DO YOUR LISTENING AND LEARNING HOMEWORK!!! I really don’t think this will be a problem, as I anticipate this class filling very quickly since it was SO requested during my classes and Fashion Show in 2010. Though everyone will be making the same general cardigan style jacket, with 3 different design plans (that will be emailed to you well before class), and everyone’s different fabric combinations, all students will leave with a one-of-a-kind jacket!

Also You Need to Bring FABRICS: a coordinated grouping including 3/4 yard of Fabric A (the ‘Main Actress’), and 1/2 yard each of Fabrics B & C (the ‘Supporting Actresses’) AND 2 silky fabrics in accent colors plus a coordinating Yarn. I will soon have up HERE some sample combinations to help guide you.

Available for Purchase in Class of the other Sewing Supplies Listed in the brochure will be: Fabric Chenille Brush ($5.25) and Monofilament Nylon Thread ($3.75). There is a shortage of monofilament nylon thread currently, so I highly suggest that you find and bring some to class. Polyester can also work. Clear if your yarn is a lighter color – Smoke if your yarn is a darker color.

Catalog Description: “Learn all these tricks while stitching away the morning – Rohlfing’s techniques for folding fabric for bias cutting, stabilizng edges, fine finishing for bias, creating luscious ‘fabric fur’ from silks, selecting and applying couching yarn, and twin needle texturizing. See demos for multi-cord sole couching and twisted cords.

Londa’s Additional Description:You will be making samples – as you learn techniques for all the ’embellishments’ that I incorporate into the creation of my wearable art jackets.You will also see many garments (NOT sweatshirts) from my own wardrobe so that you can envision adding these embellishments to your own clothing.

Regarding Supplies: The $8 kit fee includes shaped knit fabric to stabilize and bind, fusible stabilizer, Italian Trim, and yarn to couch…. a Kit of all the bases and things you need to apply. For other supplies, see the brochure from Quilts, Inc.

For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads –



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