How to Stitch AN Opening Closed
Very often in sewing, after turning a project right side out, you need to close the opening by hand using the Slip Stitch. For example: pillows, ties, infinity scarves all need this skill. Teaching young people to sew caused me come up with a way to explain and teach this stitch. You’ll find that in the video clip below, where I call it the ‘Sidewalk Stitch’.
I’ve recently ADDED another step. Stitching by machine in the ‘No Sew Zone’ (or opening), along the seam line through each single layer BEFORE stitching the 2 project pieces right sides together is proving amazing helpful. What this does, is to give you a GUIDE for your ‘sidewalk’. This prevents guessing exactly how deep you should be stitching to pull those seam LINES together exactly. Check it out in the photos below.

Sew…AFTER you do what I just described above, THEN follow the steps you see below…WALKING Down the Sidewalk.
Let me know how that works for you.
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