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I’m a THREADS Magazine Author!

One more off my ‘Bucket List’ and I  joke one more thing to ‘paper my nursing home room with some day’!  I’m thrilled and honored to have an article in the current issue of THREADS Magazine on the technique taught in my Captivating Cowls Talking Pattern.  The basics are included in the article, but FIVE variations are taught in my pattern!  AND, YOU can do this with any simple knit top pattern I bet you already have!

Back View of the double cowl top

A graceful back cowl is a SHOW STOPPER for holiday dressing!

Here is a link to the Table of Contents …

And for immediate access to the entire magazine INCLUDING my article …

This top was actually made of left-overs from a panne’ velvet dancing dress of mine!  There is a cowl in the front as well, so be advised not to miss the advice at the bottom of the box at the right of Page 25… “Add lingerie straps to the interior shoulder seams of  double-cowl top to prevent it from slipping off your shoulders.”

I also joke that us ‘Big Girls’ don’t think it is fashionable for our bra straps to show.  If you hate to sew snaps on to create your own Lingerie Straps – I have a great deal for you – 6 sets for $6.50…  Find them at this link…

Lingerie Strap Package of 6 sets

6 set Lingerie Straps



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