New sewing students here at my Sunroom Sewing Studio in Jackson, TN are mystified by INTERFACING: what it is – why use it – what type to use….. Truly, it IS all kinda of hard to sort out. I’ve shared what I know about types and selection in this new video at You-Tube.
During my years as a retail storefront owner, I’ll never forget taking a class at a fabric market from an educator for one of the main interfacing companies at the time. She made everything so interesting and clear. Years later…sadly, I can’t remember her name, but she worked for HTC. WHAT I learned, plus even more, is what I share in this video. Through years of teaching tailoring and dress-making in general, I’ve pulled together even MORE details on how and where to put interfacing – often DIFFERENT from what the run-of-the-mill sewing directions tell you to do.
I’ve put it all in my PDF that I also call: INTERFACNG DE-MYSTIFIED. For just $8, you can have it immediately in your hands. Find it HERE I
As an aside, when I wore my OLD Chico classic grey trousers to church this morning, I was reminded that sometimes – even ELASTIC can perform as an ‘interfacing’, as it does in these pants. I was correct in my thinking that I had shared about their truly unique waistline finish in a Blog Post, and I found it – buried way back in 2008. Click HERE to read about it. As I watch the Super Bowl, I’m gonna go treat myself to something yummy since I still wear these pants – even though they are well over 13 years old! 🙂

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