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Learning to Sew Teaches MANY Skills


At the Sunroom Sewing Studio here in Jackson, TN my students learn a wide variety of skills necessary to successful living as a well-rounded, educated person. Below is a summary of the types of things I naturally teach along with sewing skills. Read on…I think you’ll be AMAZED!

At the end of this Blog Post, read about my current class offerings for Feb., 23 and onward.

Scholastic/General Education Skills


  • clockwise, counterclockwise

  • lengthwise, crosswise

  • vertical, horizontal

  • parallel, perpendicular

  • equidistant

  • radiate

  • symmetry, asymmetry

  • Fine motor skill development. Hand-eye coordination.

  • General Math Reinforcement: estimation, counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing for real-life situations – reinforces the importance and use of math in everyday living.

  • Fractions:

    • Understanding fractions – how used in every day living. Example: measuring, portions of an inch – foot – yard….

    • Converting fractions to decimals (1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8) for use on a calculator, cash register, phone, computer…..

  • Measurement – how to read a ruler, fractions of an inch to 1/8’s.

  • Money – how to calculate what something will cost as one shops. Example: 3 3/4 yard @ $5.95/yard with a 30% discount and an additional 20% discount on the total purchase. Example: “Additional 20% off of 30%” is NOT = 50% off

  • Proportion calculation. Example: If the ratio of ribbing to neckline circumference is 2:3, given the neckline measurement – how much ribbing length should be cut? Applicable also to recipe conversion in the kitchen!

  • Geometry: circle basics including Radius, Circumference, Diameter. Example: Given the circumference around a skirt, how to calculate the radius of a circle in order to draft a flounce.

  • Basic Art/Design Principles: Balance, Proportion, Rhythm, Repetition. Even/odd …

  • Color: color undertone, value, intensity, flattering colors to complement complexion/hair

  • Copyright understanding.

  • Business potential. I could make these and sell them…….. I could learn to do hems and offer a service.

Life Skills

  • Which way to tighten and loosen a screw: ‘rightie-tightie, leftie-loosie’

  • How to tie a bow (on a girl’s dress!)

  • Frugality: I need to cut this shape from the remaining fabric, so to save the most fabric for another purpose, where does it make sense to cut it?

  • Measuring! How to measure a distance with a ruler or a tape measure in a 1:1 ratio.

  • How to sew on a button, stitch up a hole in a seam…

  • How to read and follow verbal and written directions….sequential thinking. “If I need to accomplish ____, what might I need to do first?”

  • An introduction to technical writing…something I love to do, and have mastered in designing and writing my line of patterns and books. A possible career?

  • Having learned a basic principle, to apply that principle over and over given the same situation. Example: clipping across corners where 2 seams intersect to eliminate bulk.

  • Eye-hand coordination on steroids! I tell the students that if they learn to drive a sewing machine, they’ll be able to drive a car much more easily.

  • Ironing – more eye/hand coordination. Seeing results. Pride in appearance. Use of multiple tools to create a product, achieve desired results.

  • Responsibility: keeping track of the tools in the basket at their sewing station. Keeping track of what they bring – take home – and need to return with for the next class.

  • How to not get ‘stuck’…how to ‘fix it’. How to figure out a different way to solve a problem.

  • Precision – what it is, when it matters.

  • Mastery of a technical machine. How to work with a machine – remembering the ‘how to’s of a specific machine.

  • Diligence – how to ‘plow through’ and continue to work at something until it is accomplished. How to ‘un-do (rip) and re-do’. Pride in accomplishment and finishing a project.

  • Making DECISIONS. Figuring out the options – being creative in doing so, then implementing the decision made.

  • Empowerment. I CAN do this. It looked formidable, but I conquered it and have a good result.

  • Fibers – where do they come from? What is polyester made from? Why does fabric stretch? How is fabric made?

  • Modesty in dressing. If you can’t buy it…make it!

  • Safety: given use of scissors and sharp rotary cutting blades, pins, needles – how to do so with CARE to prevent injury.

  • The JOY of giving a gift one has MADE themselves……

  • CREATIVITY!!! If I can THINK IT, I can MAKE IT! How to be ‘inspired’ by shopping looking on the internet. How to take an idea and use it, change it to become what you envision.

Read all about my class policies and current class offerings HERE. I'm focusing on filming more sewing videos for my YouTube Channel in January, but Feb. is now scheduled as follows:

  • Tuesday aft. 2-4 for Wee Winky Sewers aged 6-9

  • Thursdays for Young Sewers - beginning level age 9-14. First family to register gets to determine exact time and project direction.

  • Wednesday Afternoons for Older Teens, Adults... YOU select dates, exact time, exact dates. Click HERE for details.

For March - April...

  • Spring Break week of March 14-18 is great for 'Camp', 3 hours per day. Mornings are claimed, but afternoon hours of 1-4 can be 'claimed' and age/skill level/project direction established by first family calling to set up. Cost for 3 hours/day, 5 days = $540.

  • Month-long classes, either 3 or 4 weeks, for 2 hours per day - gather some friends and call 217-369-4687 to set up.

To add a sewing machine to your own home, I offer a great model - now a new model called the Charlotte. AND, at $224.00, it is GREAT value and I offer it for less than you'll find at Amazon. Find it HERE.



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