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Londa’s Casual Knit Jacket Pattern – NEW

YEAH!  Effective today – (since wonderful hubby changed out all the products as mentioned below while I was gone at the fall shows) I have this pattern available.  It is a ‘new and improved’ version of my original pattern pieces as found in my Book 2 and Refined Too and Genesis Too – in that I located a professional grader who could master getting the sizing to go up to a 2XL AND fit on the available ‘fabric’ of a 2XL sweatshirt!  I say a 2XL – but if you would be using the Small or Medium sizes – the available fabric in a size XL of the brands of sweatshirts I carry, will give you enough ‘fabric’ as well.

I’m proud of this addition to my line – as I always seek to continually improve my products.  I welcome your feedback!  It even includes fitting technique for a ‘broad’ back!!!!!

Here is the ‘description’ as is given  on the ‘product’ at my website HERE.

Casual Knit Jacket Talking Pattern™

Londa’s Pattern pieces for a simple Front, Back, and Sleeve for use in creating a casual knit jacket – especially when utilizing a sweatshirt as ‘fabric’.

And YES, this pattern is ALSO in my infamous ‘talking pattern™ format – where you will go online to the dedicated webpage constructed just for this product (given inside the pattern!), and hear me TALK you through each step as you see a picture of that step!

When creating comfy yet stylish jackets from sweatshirts, I (Londa) use 2 methods as taught in my book, Creative Sweatshirt Jackets…Londa’s Way – Book 2.  Fitting Method 1 utilizes a sweatshirt just large enough to fit your largest part (bust, hips), keeping in mind the style of the jacket – will it actually ‘close’ or ‘hang open’? Fitting Method 2 ‘sees’ a sweatshirt as ‘fabric and matching ribbing’ therefore purchase a 2XL (3XL Comfort Color Brand if needed), giving you as much ‘fabric’ as possible! Either method can be used on ANY of Londa’s jacket designs!  Select the method that is best for YOU.

Starting November 10, 2011, these same NEW pattern pieces are included in my Book 2, Refined Too™ and Genesis Too™ that include Small, Medium, Large, XL and 2XL.   These pieces have been professionally drafted and designed to ‘fit’ on the available ‘sweatshirt’ fabric.

Below, find the Measurement Chart.  The best way to select the size you need is to measure a garment that you like the fit of…around the bust area.  Find tht measurement (or close) in the chart below, then use THAT size.

The following patterns feature Fitting Method 1 (as described above), but CAN be ‘fitted’ first,  using Method 2 and these pattern pieces.  IN fact, when making some of these jacket, I ‘talk about’ that option.  With this pattern, you have MY pattern pieces for doing just that!

Additionally, this pattern would be a great ‘combo’ with my Creative Jacket Journey DVD so that you could ‘sew’ along with Disc 1 – the Triumph Blue Jacket.

Londa's Casual Knit Jacket Talking Pattern™


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