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Londa's 'Must-Have' Starter Sewing Notions

With the beginning of a new adult class here at my Sunroom Sewing Studio, I grabbed my favorite 'have-to-have' notions off of my in-studio sales rack to show to them. I could just have easily pulled them from my personal sewing niche, as these are my 'friends' as I stitch, kinda like my Sewing Tool Belt.

As you do your Spring Cleaning, treat yourself to some new tools and storage solutions. For example: Are you fishing for pins in a Sucrets Tin? Really - you're wasting time!! Treat yourself to a Zirkel Magnet or a Ewesful Pin Cushion - you deserve it!

Knowing there are SO may sewing notions from which to chose, I thought you might like to see a collection of my favorites too. Sew, here they are..... Sadly, now in June of 2022, many of the prices as listed below have increased.

Part of sewing means knowing how to 'Un-Sew' as well. This seam ripper just fits in the palm of my hand perfectly. I keep one at my pressing station, as well as my sewing station.

With white chalk (colors, I don't trust to wash out, and that is experience talking...), this marker is worth every penny. The chalk comes out through a tiny metal wheel at the bottom of it and seems to last FOREVER. There are copies of this marker, but none measure up IMHO. I also offer it with replacement white marking powder which saves you a bit:

Developed by Nancy Zieman, this is a great tool because that slider STAYS in place! There are so many functions of this tool - you MUST read the package - and KEEP the package to remind you how to use it. I keep one at my sewing station, pressing station, and cutting table.

This one closes when it is not being used - so I consider it SAFE as rotary cutters go. I carefully train (and scare into respecting the blade) my young students on using this rotary cutter against a blade. It is 45mm, which I find works fine for both craft AND garment cutting. Not shown in the top photo, I'm including it here.

I cut lots of polyester/Lycra knits in my sewing, and also alot of flannel in my charity sewing for Days for Girls. Both dull blades VERY quickly. I've found that these gold titanium coated blades definitely last longer. Still...don't expect to be able to cut over a pin hiding underneath to NOT dull even this blade. 2 blades per package.

There are many pin magnets out there, but this one fans out the pins, making it SO easy to pick them up to use. Of course, the magnet retrieves pins from the floor as well. Completely safe next to your computerized machine as well. Color choices: Pink, Red, Black, Aqua, Lime, Purple. I have these at each of the sewing stations in my Studio and the kids LOVE them! Of course I also have them at the cutting and pressing stations as well.

Ewesful Pincushion $17.00 - sorry, as of 6/1/22, this great item is no longer available.

A wad of wool with a flat bottom, and LARGE size, this pincushion keeps pins in condition with the naturally occuring lanolin. Honestly, I vascillate between using this pincushion and the Zirkel magnet. I love them both.

No, it's not what goes in a bird cage - but a point 'pusher outer' that is SAFE.  It also can press seams by pressing down with the side edge.  Small but mighty! This tool is indispensable for turning the shields in the Days for Girls kits, so I have 6 of these in the Days for Girls notions for when I host monthly sewing parties to make these feminine hygiene kits.  

Ball Point Bodkin - left of white tool

Another tool that is indispensable when turning things right side out, the ball point of this bodkin is safe to run along the inside of the seam to get that seam 'on edge'. The flat edge with the eye is even another great 'edge' to use to work out corners. This is another tool in the Days for Girls notions at my Studio.

Loop Turner - right of white tool

Simple, inexpensive tool to turn narrow tubes. I would order 2 - as, sadly, the last few I've had haven't held up quite as well as they used to. What's new?

EZ Threader - orange skinny tool

This tool is a life-saver and SO much easier for my young students to use to turn their Hair Scrunchies right side out, or to pull elastic through a casing than a large safety pin.

Red Dot Tracer 3 yards for $10.50

For tracing patterns, for pattern alteration, even for sewing up to 'test', Red Dot Tracer at 45" wide is my absolute favorite. The red dots at 1" intervals help to mark grain, etc.

  • These are the notions I find I use every time I sew on knits - whether creating garments from yardage, or up-cycle sewing.  Keep them on hand, and you'll save time and have better results. Includes these items

  • Stretch 75/11 Needle

  • 2.5/75 Stretch Twin Needle

  • 4.0/80 Stretch Twin Needle

  • Wonder Tape

  • Lastin Clear Elastic - 5 yard fabric

  • 1/2 yard Knit 8-Way Stretch Fusible Interfacing

  • Stay Tape

I wonder - what are your 'have-to-have' sewing notions??? Comment below to share your favorites.



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