I’m hard at creative work on my Mystery Project these days – and here is my ‘Guard’ Cat. This is Dopey – who is Bella’s big brother. He really is quite the cat – note how his front paws are crossed here. He’s found this new favorite place on top of m project bin. That navy sweatshirt he’s plopped himself on will have to get washed a couple of times to get his long fur off! I love him too – just not that long hair – it’s no fun to stroke because it is always full of static.
What amazes me about animal fur is the markings – how in one strand of fur – the color changes. The symmetry too. Only a very, very wonderful, awesome, miraculous, BIGGER than I can imagine creator God could make all that! Then – when the fur comes out – another one, marked the SAME way comes back in – absolutely AMAZING!
Anyway – I am in my ‘heaven’ – designing and writing directions. Hubby home with pneumonia, not a good thing – but at least there are pills to cure it and we know what it is!
Hoping you’re safe, warm, and enjoying a hobby. I’m SEW lucky to have my hobby be my ‘work’ as well!

For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads – http://www.londas-sewing.com