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NEW Creative Sweatshirt Jackets…to become ‘Vision’ Pattern

My vow is to always, always, always make my Talking Patterns™ the VERY best they can possibly be, so I always seem to have several of my current patterns on my ‘revise’ list.  Included on that list currently is my ‘Chosen™ Talking Pattern.  In addition to making each of the patterns (even those with actual pattern pieces) into e-patterns, one of the main reasons this one is ‘on that list’ is that since I have found an AMAZINGLY qualified pattern drafter to work with, I knew I could make these collars even BETTER.  Earlier this year, I paid her to refine the collars…and just now have gotten around to testing her new drafts.  Well…two are gonna go ‘Bye Bye’, another (The Darted Collar)  has some valuable ‘refinements’, and then I’m replacing one of those collars that is ‘going bye-bye’ with this brand new ‘Portrait’ Collar.   In fact, having just completed some new jackets (below), I’m sending off the patterns for my expert’s touch TODAY.

I can’t say for sure when the new ‘Vision’ pattern will be available, because I have so many travels, shows, guild ‘gigs’ coming up this fall, but as soon as I possibly can, ‘Vision Talking Pattern™ will be available..sometime within the next couple of months, and REALLY before the Houston Quilt Festival in late October/early November.

It's done and HERE these days, check it out:

10-12:  Vision Talking Pattern™ now available. 

Vision Darted Collar Creative Sweatshirt Jacket

Vision Darted Collar Creative Sweatshirt Jacket

I’ve been wanting to do a totally monotone jacket for some time now, and also to incorporate machine embroidery into a jacket…so on this jacket, I had my wonderfully talented friend and assistant, Carol, just embroider with this floral/paisley pattern all over the sweatshirt ‘fabric’.  The embroidery is NOT perfectly placed, nor symmetrical – and that was at my direction.  The collar is silk dupioni, and a darker shade of dupioni binds the collar, hem, and front jacket edges.  Also down the embellished center front is a piece of the lower ribbing of the sweatshirt!  I can’t wait to wear this jacket at the next show!!!!

Brown Silk 'Vision' Darted Collar Creative Sweatshirt Jacket

Brown Silk ‘Vision’ Darted Collar Creative Sweatshirt Jacket

The same Darted Collar as above was used to create this jacket as well.  If you look closely, you’ll see zipper coil right next to the sweatshirt there on the center front.  Honestly, I didn’t cut my cuff fabric long enough…which led to what I call a ‘creative opportunity’ to ‘save them.  Of course, I love what I came up with.  Details will be in the pattern…naturally.

Portrait Collar in new Vision Pattern

Portrait Collar in new Vision Pattern

The collar, front bands, cuffs and lower band on this jacket are created with a lightweight upholstery fabric!  The collar is one layer, and is beautiful around the back as well.  I had to keep slapping myself to keep from adding any embellished yarn, silk ‘Fabric Fur’ or anything on this jacket.  I was victorious!  In fact, I even did buttonholes.  I think it will be very useful, as the bands at the front are a way of ‘growing’ the sweatshirt circumference, and the lower band is a way of lengthening the sweatshirt.  I love the face-framing collar, which still is a bit tailored.

04-03-13:  Vision has proven to be a VERY popular new pattern!



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