Sweet Memories: Church Mother-Daughter Banquet featuring sewing – and an “I made it” Fashion Show for the program. My daughter was 5 back then, and I sure wish I had some pictures to share – but back then, one didn’t have their ‘camera’ with them all of the time.
I have kept this in my files since the event, in 1987. Oh, that enough would be sewing today to be able to consider doing this idea as a program theme,, but hey, I could loan out 90% of MY wardrobe, as I’ve made that much of it – I’m sure.
Enjoy the images of this idea below…

Program Pattern Cover

Program Pattern back

Instruction Sheet for Living

Program Order ‘Layout’
Be sure to Comment if you are saving this for an idea yourself – or even as a seed idea for a Fashion Show.
Thanks for reading – something precious to me.