Whenver possible, Thursday evenings is my ‘school’, Beth Moore is my teacher, and the course could be called ‘A Survey of Womanhood’s Trials and My Solutions” – a study of a book (The Bible) penned by God. I work very hard at doing my ‘homework’ every morning for my Quiet Time with the Lord. The current Bible Study I and many are studying is Esther by Beth Moore – and last night, I learned a new wonderful word: Peripety. Peripety is a sudden turn of events that reverses the exepcted outcome. It is the hinge in a sudden change. What I love about Beth as a teacher is how she makes it apply – to everything in life. As a woman, she especially does that well for other women. Applying all this all the way from our current national scene of $ woes – exacerbated by what I see as very pompous ‘representatives’ in Washington -to how I conduct my own life and business – I come up with these conclusions: 1. My job is to just do my job – to live my life. Honorably. That means as a woman, a wife, a mother, a Grandma, and as a business owner. I need to just pursue a walk with God that is ‘so close that the spotlights of this world – be they for me or against me – are eclipsed by His enormous shadow cast on my path’. Quoted Beth there … 2. If I can do that – and I’m convinced I can only even TRY with the help of God’s power as shown to me in the life of Christ – then I can realize that I don’t have to be the hinge!!!! As so many other women, I’ve tried it all – as the ‘enabler,’ the ‘helicopter parent’, the one who thinks I have to fix everything. Identify? I am only responsible for what God asks me to do – not how this thing (life) works out. Though, as a Christian, I have faith that God is constantly at work working it all out anyway. What He asks me to do is just to ‘do my job’ – in a way that honors Him – NOT me!
A quote on my basement stairway ‘to creativity’ says it all… ” “Don’t feel totally, personally, irrevocably responsible for everything. That’s My job! ” God
For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads – http://www.londas-sewing.com