Promenade Fine Fabrics
This amazing, top-quality fabric store on St. Charles in New Orleans was an unexpected treat of our vacation to that area in August this year (2017)! My eyes just happened to zero in on it when we were on the trolley to the Garden District for a walking tour. Click to visit their website and HERE to read more about this father & son team: Herbert Halpern and his son, Cole.

BREATH-TAKING Fabric Collection
It was like stepping into a candy store!!! Fabric, fabric, and MORE fabric! Of course, I quickly shared that I’d had my own fabric store – albeit for just 13 years compared to their almost 50 years! Herbert pulled out a bolt asking if I had any idea what it was. YEAH! I got it right – I guessed polyester, and he said it was what was left of the very first bolt made. Even at that, it was a lovely double-faced piece of a rich champagne and white.

As we continued to share with each other, it quickly became obvious that I wanted to record Herb sharing the story of his store…
Most Expensive Fabric in the Store
Curious, I asked to see the most expensive fabric in the store. Would you believe I forget how much it was??? I’m thinking around $350. Herb’s Katrina remembrances are especially sad, since right now Houston may have similar occurrences – though I pray not! Please forgive my ‘upside-down’, crazy filming as I was bug-eyed at the fabric AND Herb’s story.
Fabrics That Made My Heart Go Pitter Patter
This elegant piece was at the front counter. It says ‘Chanel jacket’ all over to me – creating the braid for trimming from the darker selvage and yarns extending at the selvage. If I only ‘needed’ such a jacket, a cut of this would have come home with me! It sold for $78 per yard, a wool-silk-blend with boucle weave from Spain.

Silk Gazar Print
I was proud as a peacock to correctly identify this fabric as a Silk Gazar. Is the term ‘Gazar’ new to you? It is a sheer, lightweight cloth of silk or, sometimes, a synthetic fiber, having a glaze-like sheen and moderate stiffness. I’d say this had ALOT of stiffness! It would definitely form cones of fullness in a garment. ‘Coning’ in fabric drape means exactly what it says, the fabric has such body that when held up, it falls into a large cone shape – just like a construction cone. The water-color look of this print floral was breath-taking, indeed.

Silk Brocade Panel
Both Herb and Cole pulled out this piece of lovely fabric to show off. A silk – of course. The color is SO luscious!!!

A closer look shows the sequins that embellish this lovely piece of fabric~

Lace-Embellished Tweed

A closer look from the front…
The back shows it was created by laying the lace on the front, zigzagging, and then cutting away from the back.

If you need a button – it’s gotta be at Promenade Fabrics – or it just might not exist! You’ll see I went home with a choice button myself.

Hubby thinks he escaped pretty well with only $80 odd some charged to the credit card! Below is a photo of my purchases. The dark piece is a lovely French hand-woven piece – I believe the label said Escada… At $88/yard, at first I decided on 1/2 yard – then changed my mind to 3/4 yard, but Herbert forgot I’d changed my mind and I ended up with his ‘generous 1/2 of about 5/8 yard. Stay tuned to my Blog here to learn what this luscious piece turns into!
The Rayon/Lycra Knit Jersey Print had a ‘Monet’ feel and I just had to have a 2 yard piece. I’ll wait to see what’s ‘in’ next Spring before deciding exactly how to make it up.

Sew……..if you’re in the area, DO go to visit Promenade Fine Fabrics! Cole is steadily building the website – so keep an eye on it as well:
Do Textiles mystify you?
I’ve put together a very informative ‘class’ PDF online that contains great images AND my audio explanations. It’s just $12.95 and you can sign up -purchasee it HERE.
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