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Quick & EZ Top from a Sweatshirt + T-Shirt…$5 eclass from Londa

First eClass from Londa:  Quick & Easy Top from a Sweatshirt & T-Shirt

Give me my sewing machine ANY day over computers, BUT BUT BUT, I DID IT!  This is the first of hopefully many more ‘e-classes’.  WHAT is an e-class?  A series of photographs of the design and construction process, accompanied with my personal audio explanations for each photograph.  Ultimately, easier for me to produce and without the need for video ‘editing’ which I don’t (yet) know how to do.  I also feel this is ultimately a better, more concise delivery than a video.  Too many ‘home-made’ videos done without wonderful equipment including an overhead camera and talentedleave much to be desired, and take too long to get to the instruction.   Thus…. my eClass.  I’m not alone in this, as many of the computer how-to classes I keep taking are created with the same idea.  However, I will say that I’m still ‘game’ to give FACEBOOK LIVE a try – we’ll see.  I’m still working up my courage on that one.

AND AND AND – these will be GREAT VALUE!!!!  Just $5 for this one.  

T-Shirt + Sweatshirt Top

T-Shirt + Sweatshirt Top   Order it HERE

How Does It Work?  How Do You Receive/Watch It?

The way it works is that you order it from the link I give you.  Then, you’ll get an automatic PDF ‘instruction’ email that says what you see below.  Pretty simple, eh?  The only drawback I see is that you don’t actually receive the link to watch it UNTIL I SEE YOUR ORDER and I actually go to YouTube to ‘Share’ that private video.  A ‘private’ video is not available to anyone without that direct link.  However, I seem to have my iphone attached at my hip (you too?) and can’t image that I wouldn’t see your order and do this within a couple of hours.  Now…if you’re a Night Owl, you’ll just have to wait til morning! 🙂  Sadly, the image size on these is just too big for delivery through my website platform as can be done for my ‘regular’ PDF patterns.


I’m obviously anxious to know what you all think.  I’m open to suggestions, as always.  Though please understand, techie stuff is not my forte – though I’m learning one can ‘search’ and learn most anything. BUT remember, I’d RATHER BE SEWING!!!!

Please share this info with your friends.  I’ve posted it on my Facebook Page HERE. 

You can also share this Blog Post around and I’d appreciate that as well.


This is also the NEW DIRECTION for delivery of my designs.   Once my current stock of ALL of my patterns except one, (Terrific T Top), is gone, there will be NO more reprints, only PDF delivery.

I’ll be re-working the most popular of those designs, along with some up-dated tweeks into e-classes.  So, if you want any of the current PRINTED patterns from my line of 7 jacket patterns and 6 knit top variation patterns, shop for them at great savings.  They are all marked down to just $9 from the regular $15 value.  AND, each of my jacket patterns now include the actual basic pattern tissue.  Find that all of those in the Liquidation Department HERE.  


I’m doing ‘research’ on how to run a CONTEST! And ways ya’all can vote on your favorite.  Be thinking:  TEAM TOPS.  Grab some licensed pants with your favorite Team logo down the leg for that Center Front Inset.  Enough hints……  Stay tuned for that Contest!

Hello!  first time to my (Londa’s) Blog?  

If you’d like to learn more about fashion and sewing, be sure to sign up for my newsletter HERE and never miss a special or inspiration at my  website.

BONUS – you’ll receive a FREE video on how a wonderful factory-trained Polish woman taught me to set in sleeves!

Feel free to connect with me on FacebookPinterest, or Instagram.

I love to get to know sewing fashionistas and share our sewing adventures together!



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