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Sewing Guild Show n’ Share

When I moved to Jackson, TN last year, I gathered some new sewing friends and we started an independent ‘club’ – the Jackson Sewing Guild.  While still small, we generally average about 8-10 gals who love to sew.  We meet twice each month, with our first meeting a ‘lesson’ from someone and ‘Show n Share’.  The second meeting is for working on the charity we have adopted:  Days for Girls.

Even when our numbers are small, we have a great time.  Our meeting this week was one of those great days – 5 of us, just sharing and learning from each other.  I thought you might like to see what was shared.

Linda’s Cork Clutch Purse and Checkbook Cover

Cork Purse

Clutch handle

Linda amazes us each month with what she has made.  She especially loves to create accessories.  Her eyes lit up when I showed her the new Cork Fabric I can get, so she weakened and invested in some of the natural AND the mint green.  She’s still ‘thinking through’ her exact plan for the green – and we’re sure it will be AMAZING when it is done.  Check out the inside of her purse.  I thought it was really smart to do it out of a pre-quilted cotton.  And, all accomplished with no pattern – as usual for this clever gal.  Cork does show needle holes, so she shared that she utilized good old black office clips for holding things together while stitching.  Oh – and it all began when she saw the cork and realized she had some cork-heeled espadrille shoes.And don’t you love the tassel?  It is just vinyl with a laminate backing – like my maroon vinyl table cloth – just cut in narrow strips and bound with a piece of cork.

The cork fabric is pretty new on the market.  If you google for it – many sources will come up.  Cork fabric actually comes in LOTS of colors.  I currently have a 1/2 yard piece left in stock.  Find it HERE.  My supplier has spotty availability of all the colors, so I haven’t put them up for sale on my website.  It’s a bit pricey: generally $41.95 for a yard piece 29″ wide.  Feel free to contact me if you are interested.  I can always check to see what it available for you.  I can see lots of fun Christmas gifts using cork.  Hmmm…….

cork clutch inside

Fur Vest Lined with Grandma’s Sweater

Linda scored again with her fur vest – completely hand made.  She said that when cutting, she tried NOT to cut the fur, but just the backing.  For the seams, she butted them and whip-stitched.  We all loved the lining:  an old sweater that had belonged to her grandmother.  She was a bit unhappy with the fit, but when we suggested she fold the neckline back to a V, and letting it hang open evenly to wear – she smiled.  Undoubtedly, it will soon be fixed!  Her navy ponte pants were also wonderful – made from a Marcy Tilton pattern.  This gal is tall and thin – wearing most everything very, very well.  Though we can understand her ‘challenges’ of tall and thin, most of us would like to ‘try’ those ‘challenges’.  🙂

Fur Vest

Here’s a shot of that lining!

sweater lining

Evelyn’s Knit Top

Evelyn was quite proud – and we were proud of her for completing this nice knit top.  She was exceptionally pleased to have learned that since knits don’t ravel, that she could simply cut and LEAVE it!  Since they do that in ready-to-wear, why not???  We all liked the angle of the seaming and the points of the hemline.

hemless Knit Top

Dale’s Scarves

Dale had gone shopping at a new local boutique and shared how she had never spent so much money at once – but all was a great bargains.  Sometimes it does the heart to just BUY, we all agreed.  One item was an extra long skinny rayon/lycra knit Infinity Scarf.  I believe she said she paid around $20 for it.  Knowing she could make some herself, she went shopping at Jo-Ann’s, (coupons in hand, or course!), and bought 1/2 yard of each of these rayon/lycra knits.  She cut two crosswise pieces of each  – so 9″ widths, and then joined those two into a LONG LONG length, then seamed right sides together lengthwise, and joined into a tube.  Being the frugal shopper that she is, with coupons, each cost her just $6. GO GIRL!  See her new scarves below…

These scarves are longer (close to 120″) than we are used to on the typical Infinity Scarves, but this length seemed to give lots of fun options.  Design-wise, the long center length of a low-hanging scarf just does miraculous things to lengthen and slim our appearance.  Sew…why not?  I, for one, am thrilled that scarves are back with a vengeance.  I’m thinking Christmas gifts….. how about you?

Dale's Knit Scarves

Sewing Advice

At guild, we often share our knowledge to solve problems.  America brought a maxi bias-cut skirt that was TOO long.  After much consideration, we generally agreed that though she could shorten it from the top, that in actuality, shortening from the bottom would be easier.  I pulled over my laptop and showed my Narrow Hem Technique.  Enjoy it yourself here.  Add it to your repertoire of skills…  Watching how I would do it, and the importance of a taut, but not stretched technique gave her the confidence she needs to go home and get it done. At least, I hope so.

I Shared My Creations from the August Tx Retreat…

But more on those when I totally finish the rest of them up.  My sewing studio is calling to me for the rest of the day!  However, I did share my new

Quick & Easy Sweatshirt + T Top that I am now offering as an eClass.  Find it HERE. I’ll post more on that tomorrow.

START A SEWING GUILD to share your passion.  All of us in Jackson say – GO FOR IT!!!!  If you want to be a formal part of a large organization, there is the American Sewing Guild, which I recommend and am a member of myself.  For our guild here in town, we just decided to ‘do our own thing’.   Comment below if you have a guild or group of friends with whom you share and sew.  I’d love to hear all about it.

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