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Simple Sewing Machine 'Fixes'

Having been a 13 year long sewing machine dealer in my past, there are some simple machine 'fixes' that I have come to realize that many sewers simply do NOT understand . Then... they end up taking even very inexpensive sewing machines for 'repair' that often can cost more than the machine is worth. PLUS, what I share below are things every Sewist should know! Save money on repairs doing the simple tasks/replacements yourself.

Here in my Sunroom Sewing Studio, where I need to keep 4-5 sewing machines in working order as they are stressed by new 'operators' ages 6 and up..... many of the same 'issues' come up repeatedly.

The 'TRUTHS' presented below are ones I strongly stress with students as they either purchase the machine model that I have in my Studio, OR bring in their own machine for RE-learning, or they are getting started in the grand pastime of home sewing.

I'm presenting these 'FIXES' in order of Easiest/Least Expensive to those a bit more challenging, but all of these are truly ARE 'EZ-PeaZ'.


    PRESENTING PROBLEM: loose nest of loops on the bottom of the fabric:

    * The presser foot MUST be UP when threading so that the tension discs (that you cannot see) are OPEN, allowing the thread to get back between them so that they get 'squeezed'. For a more thorough explanation, see my most popular video of all 149 on my YouTube Channel. (And, if you'd be so kind as to click on an ad or two - that sends a few pennies my direction - THANKS).

PRESENTING PROBLEM: Machine just 'coughs' or sounds AWFUL! You've likely missed threading the Take-Up Lever which is that metal arm that goes up and down. The purpose of that part of a machine is the same as your arm pulling the thread through fabric. Sometimes, the thread simply slips OUT of the take-up lever - and then you have this problem. Honestly, I wish this part of a machine was designed the 'old' way with a HOLE in it that we have to actually feed the thread THROUGH. That way, it couldn't 'slip' out! Alas...they don't ask me how to design a machine, and simply want to continually make things seem 'easier'..... thus the 'slot system at the top of the Take-Up Lever.

I found this picture of the 'new' take-up lever, so you know what I'm talking about.

And, here is my video all about NOT MISSING THE TAKE-UP LEVER, AND fixing the 'wreck' you get when that happens!

I have several more videos - all about basic machine operation - pulled together into a Playlist: Here is a link, or click on the image below: Sewing Machine Operation Skills

WHICH WAY DOES THE BOBBIN GO? - included on this Play List is ALSO vitally important!!!!

2. Machine WRECKS (as I call them) - JAMS - MORE info, etc.

Despite your best behavior, these JUST HAPPEN! More often with new Sewists than those more 'seasoned', but I ALSO have 'WRECKS'! You just need to know how to FIX THEM YOURSELF!

PRESENTING PROBLEM: Things are 'ajar' in the bottom - the Bobbin Case has come out of it's position and when that happens, the machine canNOT operate.

Below, I've shared a picture of a royally 'good' NEEDLE PUNCTURE in a bobbin case on my own machine! just happens! While good fabric handling at a machine calls for TAUT positioning/feeding (another video on my Youtube Channel), it is the pulling or pushing of fabric that deflects the needle and causes a gouge the plastic bobbin case as found on most drop-in bobbin systems today.


Given your machine make/model, I promise that I can VERY likely obtain a new bobbin case for you from my sewing supplier with whom I've worked since 1989. Bobbin Cases vary widely in price from $10 = $50. To order a replacement bobbin case for your machine, (or consider ordering 2 - one to change out now and another to 'have on hand'), please send me an email:

I've set Sept. 3, the day AFTER Labor Day as THE DAY I will place these Special Orders. Payment is required ahead of time in order for your need to be included in my order.

Starting at 2:22 in this YouTube Video of mine - Part 3 on Tension, I show you how to take out and replace this type of plastic bobbin case for horizontal-riding systems.

For VERTICAL-Riding Systems, The Bobbin in a metal case:  


Note that in the first video above, I also mention oiling the machine bobbin area. That would also apply to the vertical-riding bobbin case - as whenever there is metal on metal, that needs lubrication. That's SEWING MACHINE OIL - NOTHING else! Just remember when applying oil, LESS IS BEST!

I have put my favorite Machine Fine Point Machine Oiler onto my website and marked them on sale a bit for ya... Click on image below to order yours...

But - since I truly AM trying to reduce stock I carry, please realize,

I will be placing ONE ORDER on Sept. 3 for any

product/Special Order as shared on this Blog Post


PRESENTING PROBLEM: Your thread keeps breaking or stitches are skipped. Despite re-threading over and over, and even changing the needle, thread breaks or stitches are skipped.

I've found that the culprit is most likely a nick in the metal Needle Plate - where the needle goes down into the hole to interact with the hook/bobbin system.

Here's what mine looked like, and what I often see on the 'Student' Machines in my Studio...

I just uploaded a video I made about exactly this!

Same offer: Contact me before Sept. 3 with your machine make/model and I will get back to you as to if I can get a replacement Throat/Needle Plate for YOUR machine, and the cost.

How to Contact me: Email is the BEST, but if you wanna talk to me, try my cell - or even leave a message or text and I promise to get back to you. 217-369-4687 (cell)

Be sure to leave me your name and how I can get back with you

if you're leaving a voicemail.


I continue to thoroughly enjoy creating

One-of-a-Kind Tops with a Patriotic/Political Theme...

Here are a few of my latest creations...

I'm having 'SEW MUCH CREATIVE FUN', that honestly I feel like I'm sewing for 'free' as I've decided to price my creations to be competitive with what you find in boutique shops these days - generally $49-$89, which no way pays me for much more than the fabric/T's I start out with and put together. Call it my 'contribution'. Anyway - if you'd please share this offering with your non-sewing friends, or even want to treat YOURSELF, find my 'collection' HERE.

Sept. and Oct. will find me at local venues 'peddling' my creations, so if you want one - 'adopt'/Shop yours today.

SEW - go write down your machine's make/model number and contact me at 217-369-4687 for price quote on a new Bobbin Case (or 2) and Throat Plate.

I hope you've found this Blog Post helpful. I Truly AM looking for ideas for more video topics - so feel free to share those with me as well!





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