For young card players (and sometimes old as well!), this Holder may just be the key to hours of old-time card playing fun. It makes a great gift. Even sit down with a child to create this useful Holder. In my Wee Stitchers classes, a 6 year-old did just GREAT! The cool thing is that the plastic canvas makes it easy to achieve even stitch placement.

Londa’s Sunroom Sewing Studio
5 pieces of 9”x12” felt
1 - 12"X18" Plastic Rug-Hooking Canvas
Size 18 Chenille Needle (my absolute favorite needle for kids to use on felt with perle cotton thread)
Perle Cotton Thread - all stitching is done with double thread.
1. Center Felt A on the canvas as shown. 4 1/2” uncovered canvas should be exposed at the top and at the bottom of the felt.

2. Secure felt to plastic canvas using a long running stitch 4” from the top as shown. Each stitch can span 4 holes of the canvas. Secure at both ends well.

3. Lay Felt B on top of Felt A with its raw 12” edge placed 3 1/2” up from bottom of the Canvas .

4. Draw a line 3” up from the bottom of Felt B.
5. Do a Running Stitch over this line just drawn and through everything. Knot securely. This becomes the ‘stopper’ for the Top Pocket.
6. Fold top of Felt B down over the stitching you just did so that the bottom edges match.

7. Using Felt C, position it 2” up from the bottom of the Canvas.
Draw a line 3” up from the bottom edge as shown in the picture below.

8. Stitch through all layers. This becomes the ‘stopper’ for Row 2 (Felt B). See picture below. Fold the top edge down in place so that the lower edges of the felt meet.

9. You now repeat the Felt C step using Felt D: Using Felt D, lay it along the lower edge of the canvas. Draw a line 3” up from the bottom edge and stitch through all layers to become the ‘stopper ‘ for Row 3 - the bottom row.
10. To cover the Canvas on the back side of the Card Holder, using Felt E, lay one edge 2” up from the bottom edge. Then fold the other edge down to meet the bottom edge of the Canvas as shown in the picture below Step 11.

11. Make some stitching marks and secure Felt E through all layers using whatever stitch you want to use.

12. Fold entire Canvas in half, lower edges matching. Using a Back Stitch, stitch through ALL layers to create the top and to make the Card Holder stay folded. See stitching at the top fold in the photo above.

13. Stitch around the sides and lower edges on the front and the back of the Card Holder. You might want to try the ButtonHole Stitch - but use really long thread if you do, as it is hard to stop and start over if you run out of thread. I did the Buttonhole Stitch along the sides and bottom edge of the back of the Card Holder, and the Whip Stitch along both sides. The plastic canvas will help with making the stitches nice and even.

Copyright 2018 Londa J. Rohlfing Londa’s Creative Sewing
for private use only