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Sweatshirt Jackets that FIT!

NO MORE SLOPPY FITTING SWEATSHIRT JACKETS No matter the style-sweatshirt jackets need to FIT and not look – or feel – like a sloppy sweatshirt. Over my years in this niche, I’ve created two different techniques. I explained them well in this designer spot as seen on IT’S SEW EASY TV.

Sew Easy TV – Series 500.

How To LENGTHEN a Sweatshirt Jacket

Using my favorite ‘Method 2’ fitting technique as explained in the video, it is easy to increase the length by adding a yoke.  I use polar fleece because it is similar ‘loft’ to sweatshirt fleece.  HOWEVER, l also cut it so the straight grain goes HORIZONTAL on the yoke to prevent stretching when joining to the sweatshirt.

I explain this unique technique completely HEREThis link is to a FREE sample of how valuable my personal audio directions are.  This ‘Talking Pattern’ information delivery is an added no-cost BONUS currently available on ALL of my patterns (jacket and knit tops).  Be SURE to access that Bonus as shared with you on page 1 of each pattern booklet, and on the inside front cover of my Book 2:  Sweatshirt Jackets…Londa’s Way. 


Often, the available sweatshirt ‘fabric’ doesn’t provide the length desired for a jacket.  There are 2 ways of solving this:  ADD using polar fleece either at the hem OR at the yoke.  Then, cover with embellishing fabric on top and lining inside and you’ll be the only one to know.

For a quick HOW-TO on adding a polar fleece yoke, see the graphic below.  Specific instructions using this technique on a jacket is included in my Living Well Talking Pattern.

Add Length to Sweatshirt Jacket

All of my self-published products (Books, DVDs and Printed patterns) are on SALE right now.  Shop HERE.   

I’m currently out of the Studio – but I have along a stock of these products to ship ‘from the road’.  If you order anything else, I’ll be filling your order on October 9.  For orders over $49, use this Coupon Code for a $5 discount. wait2save


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BONUS – you’ll receive a FREE video on how a wonderful factory-trained Polish woman taught me to set in sleeves!

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