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WOW – What a Sewing Studio!

I still feel green with envy over this sewing studio of my new friend/hostess from my trip to Port Charlotte last weekend…. Evelyn’s sewing studion off her garage was amazing, and this photo doesn’t do it justice, at all! However, she gave me permission to share some photos with you. The working area was a large U configuration of 6 long office tables she said they’d picked up at a good price at an Office Depot. Very nice looking as well! Sure would give one plenty of room to spread out!

Behind her, in that U was this great cutting table with collapsible ends that he handy hubby had made of 4 kitchen cabinet units with a topper and drop down sides on EACH side, hinged with piano hinges, and a swing out white shelf to support underneath. On top,of course, was a large cutting mat. Evelyn said she had very carefully selected the 4 kitchencabinet units thinking of needed storage. All around the perimeter of the studio, which was well lighted with outside lighting and nice fan/light units, there was wonderful ORGNAIZED storage.

Look at her stash storage! Behind shower curtains, NOT in plastic bags, but rather rolled (to eliminate fold lines) with Hugo’s Amazing Tape, was her organized stash…and what a stash it is!

The important thing to learn here is that these wonderful fabrics can BREATHE – not choke in plastic as I know so many people store their fabric stash.

Here’s a closeup look of the rolls labelled with a piece of informative paper tucked underneath the Hugo Tape …..

For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads –



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