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Schmetz Twin Stretch Needle - 4.0/75

To create 2 parallel rows of stitching, especially as a hem for knits that duplicates the look of a cover hem machine, this is the wider one of your two choices.  
The needles have a rounded tip as in the Stretch Needles - most suitable for knit fabrics. 

Londa says:  "This is the way I do almost all of my knit garment hems - with this 4.0 spaced needle which duplicates cover hem stitching.  In fact, I prefer the speed and ease of using Twin Needles for my knit hems - even though I own a cover hem machine!  BUT, be sure to stabilize with stretch interfacing on the Hem ALLOWANCE and to lower your needle tension a bit to create a non-tunneled, nice look on your knit hems.  
See my knit DVD for many hints on stitching with twin needles:  Stretching Your Knit Sewing Know-How."

Londa says:  "These used to have a blue bar - but for now, thanks to blue dye being unavailable in Germany when these were manufactured during covid, they have a red bar - so be sure to put them back into the package so that you know they are the Stretch variety - for knits, instead of Universal as also has the red bar." 

Schmetz Twin Stretch Needle - 4.0/75

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