Trendy Tunic Tops Sewing Pattern Booklet - PDF Electronic Delivery
BEFORE ORDERING this PDF version, please understand the following:
1. This pattern PDF Download link will be found on the page that comes up as soon as you place your order. What you download is the SAME as the printed pattern booklet.This pattern pamphlet offers direction on how to execute pattern changes and additions to a basic knit top pattern or completed garments to create fashionable tunic length tops. Significant valuable additional pattern drafting photos and video plus construction How-To’s are available at an ONLINE LINK given inside this pamphlet. Therefore, online access is NECESSARY for full value of this product.
2. The file you receive is a ZIPPED file. You must know how to open ZIPPED files in order to see the 2 files: the pattern directions and the pattern pieces from my Terrific T Top pattern.
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